Quick Organic “Pay Day” Plant-Based Grocery Shopping

Plant-based “pay day” quick Organic shopping at Costco – berry mix, chia seeds, freeze Power Greens, corn tortillas, fuji apples, carrot juice, pomegranate juice, walnut halves (not organic), Alvarado Sprouted Flax Chia Bread, organic kiwis, organic firm tofu (read about health benefits of whole soy foods, edamame, tofu, miso, tempe in “Eat to Beat Disease, William, Li, MD), beets, sauerkraut (mix as salad), carrot juice, pomegranate juice (non-organic), 99 Cent Only shopping bag.

Breakfast: defrosted berries with chia seeds, walnuts, nut milk
Lunch: mix sauerkraut and chopped-up cooked beats

Be Well Kirk (916) 489-4400
